Monday, February 16, 2009


I've worked with this woman, I'll just call her "B", for almost 5 years and I've watched her reduce other women to tears. She's managed to get 3 other women to leave the department and 1 manager actually got fed up and quit. She will run to HR or the dept mgr and complain endlessly about whoever is her current target. HR and the dept mgr won't confront her because she cries. Yes, she has issues and is on many drugs, precscription uppers, downers, etc. she just gets away with harassasing and harangueing other people, so far all women, no men. Then again, there are very few men in our department. She has attacked me off and on when she has no one else to pick on, right now it's on again, and I'm fed up. Here's the latest incident, (I'll touch on earlier ones later). I was leaving work and ran into our supervisor at the door. She asked if she could ask a favor of me. I said sure (never again! I'll wait to find out what it is first). She said that "B" had come to her and said that I was "bring her down" when I mention problems I am having with other associates making mistakes ( I do paperwork for a large retail store). I rarely mention names, only if I need to know where they work so I can go and talk to them, she knows where everyone works and when. Of course, I had already commited to going along with this as a favor. So off I go thinking that just maybe my supervisor should have told "B" to just deal with it like an adult would deal with working day after day with other personalities whether they like them or agree with them or not. This just the last in a very long list of gripes and tattles that she has against me, so I thought, on the way home, that something needs to be done to settle this craziness. When I got home I called my genius daughter who is getting her Masters in HR this Spring and she said that the way my supervisor handled it, by asking me for a favor and not taking care of "B" was soooo wrong, but that "B" probably fell under the Americans with Disabilites Act, but I said that I must have some rights too. So, brilliant daughter said to email my supervisor and tell her that the next time "B" has a complaint about me that we need to get together with HR,( "B", supervisor, head of HR, and me) and get it resolved to not only "B's" satisfaction and happiness, but also to mine. So, off went the email and that's where we are until the next incident. Anyone else out there dealing with an impossible co worker situation?? This is truly a first for me, I've been in the workforce in many jobs with many different people for over 35 years, so I'm a little out of my element dealing with such a vengeful nasty witch. I've always gotten along or at least been able to tolerate my co workers along the way til now, and it has just gone on too long for me to be tolerant of her griping and trying to get me into trouble and make me look bad any longer!

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